Here is the place for all of your wellbeing needs at Notre Dame.
Looking After Your Mental Wellbeing
Information from Student Minds on how to look after your mental wellbeing can be found here:
Looking After Your Mental Wellbeing - Student Minds
Kooth Mental Wellbeing
Kooth Mental Wellbeing Information
Wellbeing Display Board
Recommended APPS
Headspace (Ms Johnson’s personal recommendation)
For Me
Smiling Mind
Mind: 0300 123 3393
Childline: 0800 11 11
Young minds: TEXT YM to 85258
What is Mindfulness?
Quotes from pupils:
Being aware of others and their mental state
Being empathic and considerate
Self-reflection and meditation
Staying calm and being awake to all around you
Something that calms the mind through tough but also peaceful times
The idea that the body and soul are at peace and well taken care of