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SEND Admissions

The admissions of pupils with a Statement of Special Educational Needs or with an EHC Plan are dealt with by a completely separate procedure.

The procedure is integral to the making and maintaining of statements and EHC plans by the pupil’s home local authority. Details of this separate procedure are set out in the SEND code of practice.  Pupils with a statement or EHC plan naming the school will be admitted without reference to the above criteria.

Children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs are supported by the authority and the school is happy to work alongside the specialist support teachers in devising and implementing Individual Programmes in accordance with the Code of Practice. 

Parents are invited to discuss concerns about their child’s needs with the class teacher and/or the SEND co-ordinator.  To ensure continuity SEND records are held by the class teacher and SENCO and these are available for parents to view by appointment with the school.

Every effort is made to involve parents fully at every stage so that those children may be helped to make the best progress possible.  Focus groups are arranged on a regular basis.

For further information please see our ‘SEND Information Report’ policy in our Policies area or click on the link on the right hand side of this page. 

For any other information, please contact our SENCO, Victoria Millan, at: vmillan@notredame.southwark.sch.uk